We assured that the right education have to observe 3 pillars:
1. Academic-Excellence
2. Character-Building
3. Talent-Development
Therefore, Edu Global has a system of formation an evaluation with equal composition of each pillar.
We also promote the global insights which are accomplished by targeting the Edu Global graduates to be able to continue their education to the higher level, both in state and overseas.
Furthermore, Edu Global is able to answer the challenges of the globalization era that requires the young generation in Indonesia to take part, nationally and internationally. It is to be hoped that Edu Global students will become the main pillars of the Indonesian development.
2019 marks a milestone in EGS’s growth as we partner with Irsyad Trust from Singapore to bring EGS beyond Bandung and to the international stage.
Irsyad Trust is the team behind the transformation of leading schools in Singapore, and beyond. As such, partnering Irsyad Trust is a deliberate strategic collaboration to advance EGS in the education world.
More importantly, both EGS and Irsyad Trust shares a common vision and mission to produce morally upright individuals who are world-ready.We pray that Allah bless this partnership and assist in its endeavors. Aamiin.
Best Regards,
Oki Earlivan, S.Mn., M.B.A., M.Sc.
Founder of Edu Global School, CEO and co-founder of Edulab, Founder of Triplogic, Medulab, and Eduplex Coworking Space, Alumnus of University of Oxford